
Hope all is well with all my blog readers ( I know there are some LOL just always wonder who …) ! Thought I’d let you know what’s up in Daan’s life 😉

I’m busy getting organized for my trip to London this weekend with my mother, leaving friday morning and will be back sunday evening. It’s been a while since I was in the UK and I cannot remember when my mom and I have been on a trip for more than a day together or in the UK together (I think this was when I was like 14 orso) so this will be fun ! I’m looking forward to visiting Anthropology, GAP, Cath Kidson and Alfie’s Antique Market. I bought a fun touristy book called 100% London and it has lots of fun restaurant, shop and just touristy things in it so we plan to use that for some info if we run out of idea’s but any other tips are welcome ….

Oh and my diet did it’s job I’m totally cleansed, just have to keep up with avoiding white sugar and use cane sugar instead so I will be testing that in my cupcake recipe’s. I decided to stay on this sugarless route as I’m used to it now. My vitality and energy levels are still not good so he advised me to take vitamin’s (he said Centrum and Supradyn are very good) that I should take throughout the winter. I still fall asleep on the couch about 2 to 3 evenings a week so I’m not feeling a difference yet … Any tips are welcome for this !

Another thing I just have to share with you is that Colin is swimming for his A certificate tommorow, we were amazed he was at all ready for it since he started last year december, swimming twice a week. We’re very proud as we know how hard it is for him to focus with so many distractions !

I’m sure the boys won’t miss me too much as they have a pretty full weekend planned and lot’s of boys things they want to do.

6 thoughts on “Life

  1. Ik lees je blog regelmatig hoor, maar ik laat bijna nooit wat commentaar achter. Ik ga proberen mijn leven te beteren 🙂 Heel veel plezier in Londen en ik hoop dat Colin morgen zijn A diploma haalt!


  2. Hi Daan,Good to hear you are feeling better, hope your energy returns soon, if you have some spare send me some too ;-)) Keeping my fingers crossed for Colin and wishing you a great time in London!!


  3. i enjoy your blog – i think we are all getting tired easier – and we all have less time for enjoyable things – like reading my trail of interesting blogs – but i find that partaking in some sort of exercise – even just repacking the linen cubboard – gives me a bit more energy – hope your London outing was (south africa)


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