{ dream home }

I’m dreaming of one day having an extra living room and kitchen in our home that will serve as a big office. Our business members and crossline friends could come over to work for a day, and we could host meetings and parties.

I just discovered the insta of Lilypad Cottage. Her modern farmhouse interior is like a dream. Until then I will work from our dining room table and saving all the ideas for our dream home.

lilipad 1lilipad 2
Do you pinterest your dream home?

{ booktips }

cs lewis quote.png
I have so many books on my kindle (fiction) and on my bossbabe bookshelf but I just can’t pick. What is a recent your fave of yours?

To relax I like to read (historical) fantasy fiction focussing on witches, vampires etc.
Educational I like easy reading books like the go getter and the energy bus.

Hit me with your top 5 💁‍♀️

{ nourishing relationships }

After choosing my OLW I have been thinking a lot what  I nourish and want to share on of the things I do to nourish my relationships. With all our crazy busy lives we forget to send out sweet notes like in the old days, to show people we care, are thinking of them and how we appreciate them. Because we all know we don’t say it nearly enough 😉


These days we choose quick, easy & cheap messages via sms, messenger, whatsapp.
No surprise delivered by the mail man/lady; a thank you note, hardly any birthday cards, christmas or new years wishes.


I love sending out notes to my familie, friends and to my team, do this as much as I can and I encourage my team to do the same. And this year like the last we sent out New Years wishes to our team and are working on those for friends and family. After that I will focus on sending notes to all my members by the end of the month.

And I realise that a lot of people consider it a waste of money or better for the environment  to go digital but lets be honest  here, there are worse ways to waste money or to do harm to the environment…..


But showing people you really care, by taking the time to share that with them in a note, by sending a note brings great joy to them and to you. Trust me on this and think back to the last time you received a sweet card and how that made you feel …


Nadat ik mijn OLW had gekozen ben ik veel gaan nadenken over mijn woord nourish (voeden) en ik wilde met jullie delen wat ik doe om mijn relaties te onderhouden = voeden. Met onze drukke levens vergeten we vaak om lieve kaartjes te sturen zoals vroegah, om mensen te laten merken dat we om ze geven, we aan ze denken en dat we ze waarderen. Ik weet zeker dat iedereen het met me eens zal zijn dat we dat niet genoeg zeggen 😉

Tegenwoordig kiezen we voor snelle, makkelijke én goedkope berichtjes via sms, messenger, whatsapp. Geen verassing gebracht door de postbode; een bedankkaartje, nauwelijks verjaardagskaarten en de kerst en/of nieuwjaarskaarten worden ook steeds minder.

Ik ben dol op het sturen van kaartjes aan mijn familie, vrienden en mijn team, doe dit zoveel mogelijk en moedig mijn team ook aan om dit te doen. Dit jaar hebben we, net als vorig jaar, Nieuwjaarskaarten verstuurd aan ons team en zijn we druk doende met die voor onze vrienden en familie. Als ik daarmee klaar ben ga ik al mijn members een kaartje sturen voor het einde van de maand.

Ik realiseer me dat een hoop mensen dit zonde vinden van het geld, of dat het beter is voor het milieu om het digitaal te doen maar laten we nou wel wezen, er zijn ergere manieren om geld te verspillen of schade aan het milieu te veroorzaken ….

Mensen laten zien dat je om ze geeft, door de tijd te nemen om dat te delen in een kaartje en die aan hen te sturen geef je ze een warm gevoel. Geloof me maar en denk maar terug aan de laatste keer dat jij een lief kaartje kreeg en hoe dat voelde.

{ my bookshelf }

A of late I have been collecting a lot of books and I really need to start reading them!!

Books for self development:

books zelfontplooine

Books for relaxation and flipping through:

books leuk

As you can see there is an e-reader on top (kindle to be specific) as I download most of my reading genre, but the books under my kindle are either gifts, on loan or books I bought secondhand.

My favorite genre is fantasy, more specific vampires, witches, some fairies and everything inbetween. Want to know what I’ve read so far ? Visit my Goodreads bookshelf!
(wouldn’t it be great if there was something similar for movies, IMDB is fun for trailers but I don’t keep track of movie’s or series I’ve seen and I’m unsure if you can connect with other movie/serie lovers there….)

If you have any books on self development and/or the genre that I like please recommend them I love to expand my bookshelves!

{ my favourite things }

I used to have a blog where I shared my favourite things regularly, then I merged it with this blog and never got back into it. Guess what ? It’s back !!


  1. Revenge
    Currently in season 3, watching episode 9, curious to see where the seasons finally will go. I love watching series online, having a marathon all by myself while doing other things, it’s my thing multitasking while watching my shows.
  2. Mantrabands
    I give these to my team when they reach goals, give them to special people in my life and love receiving them myself. They are so awesome and inspiring, I have 3 sofar ….
  3. Stress Away
    I seriously cannot live without this in my life, don’t leave home without it !
    Young Living should rename this into the mommy oil LOL It is a blend with Lime, Lavender, Ocotea, Copaiba and Vanilla in that does wonders for my soul. My favorite in the diffuser combined with peppermint in the evening to wind down and I love it when I am hosting parties, baking a cake, driving the car, have meetings, rushing with a deadline, uhm well everything I guess. Trust me we all need stress away in our lives …
  4. Filofax Maldens
    I have had filofax type planners when I left school and started my professional career. I started with fake planners in pocket size and later upgrading to a Personal sized. A few years ago I treated myself to a real filofax and I must say the Malden Filofax brings me planner peace even more so since I moved from my personal size into an A5.
  5. Herome WIC Brussels
    I love Essie nailpolish, it is the bomb but I will always remain in love with this color from Herome. Whenever I wear it, just plain or combine it with gold glitters, I receive so many compliments. It is the perfect taupe with a glisten to it when you look closely in the light, not pearlescent (hate that in nailpolish sorry) but it gives it a nice pop.
  6. Bobbi Brown beauty products
    My skin has had a rough time over the last few years, the stress took it’s toll on my combination skin and I have been struggling getting it to a good state. I always have a strict regime and I’m known for this amongst my friends (the girl with the creams for everything), drink a lot of water, always use sunscreen but stress is a doozy. So after seeing Bobbi Brown in my favorite beauty store I decided to try 1 product, the extra eyecream and was hooked. So the next month I bought the nightcream and every month I have slowly been replacing my old products and  my skin is returning to normal. Love the fact that Bobbi uses essential oils in her products but doesn’t make them too smelly which I prefer.

Let me know if you decide to try any of these and if you like them !


It may have been quite here but I haven’t stopped baking. For my birthday I’ve received and bought quite a few cookbooks ( i received lots of book vouchers that I’d thought I should invest wisely 😉 …

I bought Bakerella’s cake pop book, Nigella Feasts, The Hummingbird bakery,Tara Ramsay’s Family Kitchen, Nigella Express, Yvonne Jaspers Spaghetti aan het plafond (cookbook with dutch celebrities and their family), The Pastry Queen by Rather Oresman and I was given Somja Kimpen kook je slank & fit (belgium health guru) and High tea Party by susannah blake.

Can you believe I still have lots on my wishlist ? LOL yep plenty !

What is your favorite cookbook and which one do you desperatly need to add to your collection ?