{ booktips }

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I have so many books on my kindle (fiction) and on my bossbabe bookshelf but I just can’t pick. What is a recent your fave of yours?

To relax I like to read (historical) fantasy fiction focussing on witches, vampires etc.
Educational I like easy reading books like the go getter and the energy bus.

Hit me with your top 5 💁‍♀️

{ my bookshelf }

A of late I have been collecting a lot of books and I really need to start reading them!!

Books for self development:

books zelfontplooine

Books for relaxation and flipping through:

books leuk

As you can see there is an e-reader on top (kindle to be specific) as I download most of my reading genre, but the books under my kindle are either gifts, on loan or books I bought secondhand.

My favorite genre is fantasy, more specific vampires, witches, some fairies and everything inbetween. Want to know what I’ve read so far ? Visit my Goodreads bookshelf!
(wouldn’t it be great if there was something similar for movies, IMDB is fun for trailers but I don’t keep track of movie’s or series I’ve seen and I’m unsure if you can connect with other movie/serie lovers there….)

If you have any books on self development and/or the genre that I like please recommend them I love to expand my bookshelves!


It may have been quite here but I haven’t stopped baking. For my birthday I’ve received and bought quite a few cookbooks ( i received lots of book vouchers that I’d thought I should invest wisely 😉 …

I bought Bakerella’s cake pop book, Nigella Feasts, The Hummingbird bakery,Tara Ramsay’s Family Kitchen, Nigella Express, Yvonne Jaspers Spaghetti aan het plafond (cookbook with dutch celebrities and their family), The Pastry Queen by Rather Oresman and I was given Somja Kimpen kook je slank & fit (belgium health guru) and High tea Party by susannah blake.

Can you believe I still have lots on my wishlist ? LOL yep plenty !

What is your favorite cookbook and which one do you desperatly need to add to your collection ?