For my mom

And all the other fans of The Sound of music …

I just love these, love how people you think are watching and totally not like they are about to jump in and join the group dancing, love how in sync they all dance makes me all happy. If you know a good one let me know and make my weekend 🙂

Tom Jones Rocks

Boy does he ever for his age ! Went to see him on the 6th with my mother and we had a blast ! Here’s 2 video’s I made with my new camera

This song always makes me think of Carlton Banks from “The fresh prince of bel air” (know what I mean 😉 LOL)

Oh and yesterday I was invited to the musical Mamma Mia by my friend Corinne and although I couldn’t enjoy the complimentary lunch buffet it was a great afternoon, good company & the musical was fun now I really want to see the movie ! Thanks Babe !

GM rocks {even over 40 ! }

It’s a good thing Mandy is on vacation or she’d think it’s about another singer that has the initials GM (LOL) but I’m talking about George Michael of course.

Totally unexpected I was able to purchase some last minute tickets thanks to an early birthday pressie from my parents (thanks sooo much you guys you rock !) and it was the most fun I’d had at a concert in a long time (thanks for coming with me Edith and Wendy & Jos for having the patience sms’ing and waving so we could find you there LOL) .

Don’t get me wrong I loved all the concerts I’ve seen this year so far, but this was such a party probably bcause of all the great songs that bring back so many memories 😉 He had a great stage with super light effects and designs (hmm the scrapbooker in me loved that !) and he had sort of a catwalk thing going on so when he came to the front of the stage he was about 7 mtrs away, the funny thing was it looks so close but when we made a pic it looked so far ….
Not too happy about his last cd though, bit too disco ? but his fab voice makes up for that. And btw I just love how he dances, yes I cannot help it I have a bit of a crush on a gay guy …..

Tommorow I’ll share some scrapping I’ve been doing, mainly cards (my little brother turned 19 this week) for some special people and a little project for Michael’s school (that I HAVE to do tonight as it’s teachers day tommorow where they celebrate all the b’days in one day).

Oh and we moved the dutch dares up a week due to some other things going on but wanted to keep you busy in the meantime so check this out !