{ connect more }

I’ve tried some things these past couple of years to connect more with my inner self, also an aspect of my personal development. Quite a challenge for me, I stored a lot of memories & emotions growing up to protect myself…

crave connection
There are different kinds therapies that are used for this and I’ve tried quite a few nei, journaling, soundingbowls, essential oils, meditation, AFT, Access bars consiousness, chunsoo, walk barefoot more in the grass and live more by my humandesign
Some may look or sound very WOOWOO 🤷‍♀️ but I have learned to that if I want to dig a little deeper and grow I have to keep an open mind.

Sounding bowls, walking in grass, essential oils for emotions and chunsoo are currently my faves from this list (sometimes combined). I like the way it helps me relax, release, refuel my inner QI and really feel all the emotions. What do you do to connect more with your inner child, voice, feelings?

{ surrender }

quote as we learn we grow

Although some things are harder to learn, it is never impossible.

Conscious language is a daily challenge but also letting go and trusting the process that the universe indeed has my back.
Not giving up though trying to give in, surrender and enjoy the ride. You see just because I mentor a team of 200+ business members does not mean I do not learn daily, weekly, yearly and grow myself… I truly believe it will help me to help others

peace card universe has your back

Source of card: gabby bernstein, the universe has your back

{ gratitude }

Buying a product 4,5 years ago that a friend recommended was an ordinary thing that turned out to be a blessing.
I got relief for stress which resulted in better days and nights. I started sharing and helping others, built a business and discovered this network marketing organisation was not like I had what heard it was like.
I am grateful for the lifestyle i have discovered, the things I have learned, the friends I have made and the people I have been able to serve. But most of all i am grateful for the fact I was able to retire my husband from his corporate 9-5 and that I get to work and live life on my terms.

gratitude william arthur ward

{ evolve }

You can’t see plants growing – unless you speed up a film – but you know that they do. Each day, tiny changes take place. It’s the same with your life…

Sometimes life seems to move so slowly, your goals seem to be so far out of reach or the changes you set in motion seem unnoticed to yourself or others but don’t worry as every tiny change you have made will all add up.

ik juni 2018

{ nourishing relationships }

After choosing my OLW I have been thinking a lot what  I nourish and want to share on of the things I do to nourish my relationships. With all our crazy busy lives we forget to send out sweet notes like in the old days, to show people we care, are thinking of them and how we appreciate them. Because we all know we don’t say it nearly enough 😉


These days we choose quick, easy & cheap messages via sms, messenger, whatsapp.
No surprise delivered by the mail man/lady; a thank you note, hardly any birthday cards, christmas or new years wishes.


I love sending out notes to my familie, friends and to my team, do this as much as I can and I encourage my team to do the same. And this year like the last we sent out New Years wishes to our team and are working on those for friends and family. After that I will focus on sending notes to all my members by the end of the month.

And I realise that a lot of people consider it a waste of money or better for the environment  to go digital but lets be honest  here, there are worse ways to waste money or to do harm to the environment…..


But showing people you really care, by taking the time to share that with them in a note, by sending a note brings great joy to them and to you. Trust me on this and think back to the last time you received a sweet card and how that made you feel …


Nadat ik mijn OLW had gekozen ben ik veel gaan nadenken over mijn woord nourish (voeden) en ik wilde met jullie delen wat ik doe om mijn relaties te onderhouden = voeden. Met onze drukke levens vergeten we vaak om lieve kaartjes te sturen zoals vroegah, om mensen te laten merken dat we om ze geven, we aan ze denken en dat we ze waarderen. Ik weet zeker dat iedereen het met me eens zal zijn dat we dat niet genoeg zeggen 😉

Tegenwoordig kiezen we voor snelle, makkelijke én goedkope berichtjes via sms, messenger, whatsapp. Geen verassing gebracht door de postbode; een bedankkaartje, nauwelijks verjaardagskaarten en de kerst en/of nieuwjaarskaarten worden ook steeds minder.

Ik ben dol op het sturen van kaartjes aan mijn familie, vrienden en mijn team, doe dit zoveel mogelijk en moedig mijn team ook aan om dit te doen. Dit jaar hebben we, net als vorig jaar, Nieuwjaarskaarten verstuurd aan ons team en zijn we druk doende met die voor onze vrienden en familie. Als ik daarmee klaar ben ga ik al mijn members een kaartje sturen voor het einde van de maand.

Ik realiseer me dat een hoop mensen dit zonde vinden van het geld, of dat het beter is voor het milieu om het digitaal te doen maar laten we nou wel wezen, er zijn ergere manieren om geld te verspillen of schade aan het milieu te veroorzaken ….

Mensen laten zien dat je om ze geeft, door de tijd te nemen om dat te delen in een kaartje en die aan hen te sturen geef je ze een warm gevoel. Geloof me maar en denk maar terug aan de laatste keer dat jij een lief kaartje kreeg en hoe dat voelde.

{ hello 2017 }

{ pssst Did you know I am bilingual ? Scroll down for the dutch translation of this post 😉 As of this year I will be blogging in both languages }

I have been doing One Little Word since the day that Ali Edwards shared this wonderful movement, yes it is a movement, if you are a scrapbooker you know.
But this one took me longer to resonate with than ever … Or maybe I usually start sooner, can’t remember 😉


My word for 2016 was Thrive and boy did I ever, for 2017 I choose NOURISH!


Nourish the relationship my family, my team, my friends and my members with my time & love.



Nourish my body soul & mind with good food, good reads, self-development and workouts.



Nourish my blog, my social media accounts, my  Oiled by Nature (Young Living) business and team by sticking to my planning, hence my first post of the year.
Giving myself a pat on the back!nourish-2

And allow others to nourish me ….

What is your word for 2017?



One Little Word doe ik al vanaf de dag dat Ali Edwards deze geweldige beweging, ja geloof me het is een echte beweging en als je een scrapbooker bent dan weet je waar ik het over heb.
Maar deze duurde wat langer om te bedenken … maar misschien ben ik later begonnen dan normaal, kan ik me niet meer herinneren, hey er is al een jaar voorbij 😉 

Het woord dat ik voor 2016 koos was Voorspoed and jemig wat hebben we een voorspoed gehad, voor 2017 kies ik voeden/koesteren!


De relatie met mijn gezin, mijn team, mijn vrienden en mijn members voeden met mijn tijd & liefde.nourish


Mijn lichaam en geest voeden met goed eten, mooie boeken, persoonlijke ontwikkeling en workouts.



Mijn blog, mijn social media accounts, mijn Oiled by Nature (Young Living) bedrijf & team door beter te houden aan mijn planning, vandaar deze eerste post van het jaar.
Ik geef mezelf vandaag al een schouderklopje!nourish-2

En ik laat anderen me voeden/koesteren (waarom klinkt dat altijd raarder in het nederlands)  ….

Wat is jouw woord voor 2017?


Scrapbooking can heal

I’m making a mini album about my childhood, just scrapping some feelings, memories and sometimes that’s just as healing as therapy. This is my second page and I think it’s funny that I even dared to put this feeling to paper, but it makes me laugh and it’s real !

This page was for the sketch dare over at our dutch dares, for some inspiration come check out the great pages the team made !

This is another page I made a while back but forgot to share, hope you like it, photo’s are from a photo shoot from last year (Corinne Delis).

Recharging scrapchica style

Since I’ve been scrapbooking I’ve met lot’s of fun, warm & creative women but with a few I’ve kept in touch more than others. We’d see each other at scrapworkshops, chat online or get together for an evening every now and to scrap. Yet with so many busy lives we rarely all could make it to a date at the same time.

So last year I decided we should try and solve that so we tried to find a date (www.datumprikker.nl works wonders for that btw), I found a great house near the beach and the waiting game began.

Until this weekend that is 🙂

We laughed, cried, almost peed in our pants, chatted, created, posed (lot’s and lots of great photo’s came from this), primped, ate too much, exchanged gifts, cooked, baked, did whatever we wanted, lost sleep and still recharged our batteries.

(photo’s by Delis Photography, collage by Marsha)

A weekend that brought each and everyone what they needed whether it was some time to finish things, start things up, experiment a little or just work on a project without being disturbed … And that’s what it’s all about, 8 different women connecting and being themselves and everyone being ok with that.

Thanks girls for an amazing weekend, let’s do it again next year !