{ resistance is futile }

Another year older, but he just keeps getting cuter! Happy birthday to my dear sweet husband, he’s had a rough 2,5 years but held his own and things finally fell into place this month.
So this year I told him there’s no escaping it, we are celebrating your birthday because we are getting that second wind in our backs, things are looking up and life’s too short and I like any excuse to hang the decorations and eat cake. So I’m off to bake one for him !



{ 14 going on 24 …

My oldest boy turned 14 today, bigger than me, same shoesize as his dad, where did the little baby go ….

Happy Birthday Michael, keep making us laugh with your witty jokes, try to be less angry at the world, enjoy life and work a little harder you can do it all although you might not think so now !


{ 11 going on 13 … }

He’s all set to go to secondary school, and he’s only turned 11 …

My little bubbly boy is growing up way too fast, getting his hair chopped off was the first sign of that. He wanted big boy hair not the surfer dude hairdo I loved so much.

He loves reading, swimming, minecraft, youtube films on gaming and bouncing on the trampoline that about sums up his days this summer.

Happy Birthday to my sweet bright bubbly boy !

13 and lovin’it

My oldes boy loves being older, thinks he’s so wise but has so much still to learn as he’s only turned 13 ….

We try to teach him all he needs to know about life, love, school and all things inbetween.
He usually gives us the look of yeah right what would you know about that you are ancient … but he gets it most of the time.

The first half of middle school has been quite a challenge for him, school sucks in his opinion and although we were helping him through it he had a hard time accepting our help. We’ve sent him to homework classes and that seems to be working (although they do & tell him exactly the same as we were doing) his grades are improving and with that his happy bubbly personality is reappearing.

Sweet Michael, please show the world what a wonderful, funny and happy boy you are, enjoy and embrace puberty and it will be a rollercoaster ride that you can look back on with a smile !

{another teenager in the making }

He can never wait until tomorrow as he always believes that what is coming then is the best ever.
I repeatedly tell him to cherish today and tomorrow comes by too quickly…

He’s turned 10 today, going to the final grade of our elementary schoolsystem after the summer. He’ll be really young when he goes to secondary school but doesn’t care. He loves to be around older kids and wants to be treated like a 12 yr old …

Sweet bubbly boy you want to be grown so fast and me, I want to enjoy the little boy in you for a bit longer than you do …

Baseball Birthday Party

Dude #1 turned 10 and his theme was baseball since he plays it and loves the game.

We forgot to take pictures of the themed table but we do have individual pics of the treats, cake and decorations.

Baseball bat and baseball are made from chocolate, the grass is swiss meringue buttercream and the cap is marzipan.

Cakepops in his baseball clubs colors.

Spongebob Squarepants Party

Spongebob Squarepants is such a big hit in our hit with our boys so when dude #2 turned 6 this summer it was a great theme for his birthday.




Birthday boy (right) loved this !