{ 11 going on 13 … }

He’s all set to go to secondary school, and he’s only turned 11 …

My little bubbly boy is growing up way too fast, getting his hair chopped off was the first sign of that. He wanted big boy hair not the surfer dude hairdo I loved so much.

He loves reading, swimming, minecraft, youtube films on gaming and bouncing on the trampoline that about sums up his days this summer.

Happy Birthday to my sweet bright bubbly boy !

{ all about the minions }

Dude #2 turned 10 and he loves the Despicable Me movies so a theme for his party was soon found.
I made sweet Minion birthday cakes, angry minion cupcakes, decorated cookies with edible minion prints and of course the M&M’s and skittles were sorted in matching colors.

{another teenager in the making }

He can never wait until tomorrow as he always believes that what is coming then is the best ever.
I repeatedly tell him to cherish today and tomorrow comes by too quickly…

He’s turned 10 today, going to the final grade of our elementary schoolsystem after the summer. He’ll be really young when he goes to secondary school but doesn’t care. He loves to be around older kids and wants to be treated like a 12 yr old …

Sweet bubbly boy you want to be grown so fast and me, I want to enjoy the little boy in you for a bit longer than you do …

{ angry birds party }

Dude #2 turned 9 and he loves the angry birds game so that was the theme for this birthday party.

Besides a birthday cake, pig cakepops, licourice and matching M&M’s we served savoury foods as he loves tomatoes, mini salami’s and cucumber.






Push Pops

Push Pops have to be the easiest treats for kids to share in school ever ! You can choose to make the cake & frosting yourself or be really lazy (read racing against time like any working mom).
Then just cut the cake, add frosting and sprinkles, fill the pushpop and repeat till you’re done.

Dude #2 changed schools for the last 2 years so this was his goodbye treat for his classmates.


May update

Stuff that happened in Daan’s life this month (photo & info overload):

Ed finally tried his first cakepop and was surprised he liked it more than my cupcakes …. pffff

Queensday was a bit of a dissapointment, my total score has never been so low; 4 boxes of embroidery floss & 2 tupperware items…. I’m going to Alkmaar next year with Corinne Delis 😉

I went to the Beautician for the first time in years, i used to go every month but since the kids this became less and less. It was only a basic appointment but I definately want to go again and for an extensive one soon !

My paypall account was hacked, that is not a joke people … It takes all kinds of hassle to get this fixed !

The boys took part in the peanutball school tournament, they won 🙂 Although Ed, who played coach for both their teams, told the boys all games were a draw 😉 They loved being the best in their team and sometimes it feels great to rock and show off for your classmates.

I went to the springmarket in Heemstede with my mom, sun was shining, it was fun ! Said hi to Danielle Muit-Krusel who was working there and ran into my friend Leonieke, it was a huge market with a wide variety of stalls.

We gave the garage a good reorganisation, basically it was a lot of trash and putting shelves in to give things a new place; we can finally fit all of our bikes.

We watched a bunch of movies; Toy story 3 (1/2), the hobbit, TRON, transporter 3, SITC 2, Soulmen, the wolfman and Cadillac Records.

We spent the weekend in germany for mom’s bday, it was great to spend some time with my aunt & uncle and their kids. We went siteseeing, shopping and had a bbq. Funny thing was that my brother and his girlfriend drove up with us and the kids went a day earlier with my parents, turns outthere’s no difference between having them on the backseat or our kids LOL just as quiet … They really should stop making out in public, but since they’re so young & in love and such a cute couple, they’re forgiven ….

Colin ❤ any kind of school sports activity that is offered so when they asked who wanted to be in the waterpolo schooltournament he couldn’t wait and they did real well, they came in 3rd ! there were about 29 teams in their age category (but since Colin skipped a grade he was by far the youngest) so that’s awesome ! He was really tired as they started around 18.00 and the last match was @ 22.00 ….

Made a bunch of felt hearts, cause i fell in love with Revlie’s forest of felt hearts. Just need to find some time to attach them to sticks to make a forest…..



At 40 years old I still have never been to the Zuiderzeemuseum, so we wanted to do something cultural and took the kids. It was fun, and not so busy so we got a great tour in one of the fishers family homes, the kids got to lie in a bedstead and play some oldfashioned kids games.

The kids had a schooltrip to Archeon, i volunteerd to go along accompanying Colin & a few classmates. We saw almost everything there was and did some fun things like make fire, drink tea from a fire, make pre historic jewelry, repair pots, played a viking game, archery, make a felt bracelet and speer throwing. I gave the kids some extra lunch because the lunch provided wasn’t enought and I was the best, according to the kids….

The boys had a day off from school and since Michael was going away for the day so we went out for lunch with Colin at a goatsfarm in Amstelveen, he got to feed them bottles, play a little on the playground and we had a good walk in the woods. But mind you goats are not only cute, playfull and they like to eat your clothes …


Colin & I both got glasses, Colin needed them for school and watching tv from a distance. Appearantly he has trouble reading beyond 4 mtrs, the letters are distorted to him but he refused to admit it even after tests. He can grow out of it but for now he has a pair at school (orang/black) and a pair at home (green/black). I got mine as I kept getting headaches at work because of my increased computer screen work. Here they are :

We had a spontanious dinner with Michael’s bball team, wow that was a big group but we sat all the kids at one table and all the adults at one and it worked out fine @ a wok restaurant.

You know what can really make my day ? When I pipe a perfect rose swirl on a cupcake, makes me smile every time I see the pic

That’s it for May folks, sorry for not keeping up weekly updates …

Colin’s Birthday Party

It took a while before we really celebrated his birthday (we did this intentionally because everyone was on holiday and we wanted him to have lot’s of guests there to celebrate with us) but when we do we go all out ! Spongebob was our theme and I think we rocked it !

A bigger shot of the dessert table & photo wall since I’m so proud of how it turned out (credits : table by me, wall by Ed) !

Sometimes you need a little time

Time to but read a lot of books (the darkest powers & House of Night series), be ill (twice), make plans for the summer, make plans for redecorating in your home, purging and raise 2 highly intelligent kids. So that’s why I needed a little blogbreak somehow I just didn’t feel like writing here …

But we have been doing a lot more than just the above to be honest, never a dull moment in this household.

After getting his B swimming certificate it took Colin only a month to get the final C certificate and that didn’t come without a tough injurie because he somehow got a chunck stripped of his little toe and that bled so fiersly he was afraid to go back into the water. So even though he did not do all the necessary required obstacles he did get his certificate ! We were very proud and happy that the lessons (twice a week) were history 🙂

On May 25th, I started with ear-acupunture and a special diet which basically means no Carbohydrates at all so I could fit into my clothes again, be confident and feel like I did 2 years ago before my car/bike accident & the pleuritis.
The past weeks have nog been tough really, i don’t miss a lot of foods but mostly fruits, french fries and potato chips. The great thing about this combination of diet and stimulation is not that I’ve been losing lot’s & lot’s of kilo’s but lot’s and lot’s of bodyfat ! So far I’ve only lost 5 kilo’s (3 and I’m @ my goal) but so much fat I could already fit into my clothes after 2,5 kilo’s 🙂 Only a few more weeks to go and I’m confident I will find a new balance with my food, weight and gymroutine.

Michael and Colin are doing very well in school, Michael will be going to the next grade (6) and since this will be a grade in which he will be getting lot’s of new things to learn, he will have plenty to keep him busy as he already is in an excell program because he is way ahead of the rest. Colin will be skipping a grade and going from 3 to 5 as his level was, at the end of the schoolyear, already at the same level of the 4th graders. We’re hoping he will be okay on a social aspect, but his former teacher and new teacher seem to have the utmost confidence as they’ve never had a student of which they are more sure he will be ok than him. So I’m trusting their judgement and we’ll keep a close eye on how he’s doing at school and at home. Colin is very excited he’s been visiting the class and likes the kids much better than his own class, according to him there are less kids that tease there.

For the last day of school I wanted to do something special for the kids so I made them cookie’s for them to bring to school. They turned out ok for my first try, i put them in little bags with labels saying have a great vacation, for Colin it was a goodbye gift in disguise. The teachers, the internal mentor, the head master and the concierge also got a bag of cookies and they were happy surprised.

We took the boys to see a Kiss concert, they thought it was fun to see but it just takes a while before the concert started and usually they can stay up real late but Colin fell asleep at about 9.30 pm and Michael at about 10.00. Don’t worry they had earphones in, and they needed them as the opening act was ridiculously loud and nothing at all in the genre of Kiss. It was a good concert and they played really long, well worth the money. We weren’t the only ones that took the kids along, there were a whole bunch of them with kiss t-shirts and make up on !

I tried to host a bbq party but unfortunatly it was not a good date i set, lot’s of people couldn’t make it due to prior engagements but I was dissapointed a tad when a lot of people just didn’t respond … I mean hello I cannot host a party if I don’t know wether you’re coming or not. I must say I have been a bit dissapointed on more fronts with friends/aquaintances inviting us around for fun stuff, it seems I’m always the initiator and I really should learn from this but it’s hard ….
Oh well that’s just us I guess, we’re not the popular crowd never have been but we are a fun crowd and I’ll someday be ok with it, it always takes me more time for things to settle down with me.

Now we’re well into our summer vacation (7 weeks for me, 6 weeks for the boys and 3 weeks for Ed) it’s been all about Dutch Baseball week, waterguns, sunscreen, geocaching, Movie Park Germany, relaxing at my aunts hotel in Germany, purging, Colin’s 7th birthday, sleeping in, volunteer work for a handicap baseball day and getting the house back into a respectable state that has been long overdue for the last let’s say uhm 4 years …. And hopefully a visit to the beach before the summer ends as every time it’s been beachweather we couldn’t go ….