{ my favourite things }

I used to have a blog where I shared my favourite things regularly, then I merged it with this blog and never got back into it. Guess what ? It’s back !!


  1. Revenge
    Currently in season 3, watching episode 9, curious to see where the seasons finally will go. I love watching series online, having a marathon all by myself while doing other things, it’s my thing multitasking while watching my shows.
  2. Mantrabands
    I give these to my team when they reach goals, give them to special people in my life and love receiving them myself. They are so awesome and inspiring, I have 3 sofar ….
  3. Stress Away
    I seriously cannot live without this in my life, don’t leave home without it !
    Young Living should rename this into the mommy oil LOL It is a blend with Lime, Lavender, Ocotea, Copaiba and Vanilla in that does wonders for my soul. My favorite in the diffuser combined with peppermint in the evening to wind down and I love it when I am hosting parties, baking a cake, driving the car, have meetings, rushing with a deadline, uhm well everything I guess. Trust me we all need stress away in our lives …
  4. Filofax Maldens
    I have had filofax type planners when I left school and started my professional career. I started with fake planners in pocket size and later upgrading to a Personal sized. A few years ago I treated myself to a real filofax and I must say the Malden Filofax brings me planner peace even more so since I moved from my personal size into an A5.
  5. Herome WIC Brussels
    I love Essie nailpolish, it is the bomb but I will always remain in love with this color from Herome. Whenever I wear it, just plain or combine it with gold glitters, I receive so many compliments. It is the perfect taupe with a glisten to it when you look closely in the light, not pearlescent (hate that in nailpolish sorry) but it gives it a nice pop.
  6. Bobbi Brown beauty products
    My skin has had a rough time over the last few years, the stress took it’s toll on my combination skin and I have been struggling getting it to a good state. I always have a strict regime and I’m known for this amongst my friends (the girl with the creams for everything), drink a lot of water, always use sunscreen but stress is a doozy. So after seeing Bobbi Brown in my favorite beauty store I decided to try 1 product, the extra eyecream and was hooked. So the next month I bought the nightcream and every month I have slowly been replacing my old products and  my skin is returning to normal. Love the fact that Bobbi uses essential oils in her products but doesn’t make them too smelly which I prefer.

Let me know if you decide to try any of these and if you like them !

{ scrapbooking hiatus }

Dutch Dare 112 ~ Lotsa White I have had a huge blogger and scrapbooking hiatus but I’m scrapping again and determined to blog more and give you the peeks into my life whether you want it or not …

The dare for this month is white, and I decided to make a layout about my Personal Malden Filofax.

I used a faux filofax for years and when I purchased a smart phone decided to neglect my organiser and use the phone, it has a calendar, it can give you reminders, it made sense. But after 2 years (and my second samsung) I felt like i was always playing catch up, one step behind in my planning and important events things had to change.

On Pinterest and Instagram I noticed that there was a new trend arising, decorating your filofax with stickers, washi and lovely colored pens.

Now scrapbookers are people who like to decorate so the spark was lit again. I dug up my faux filofax, bought inserts and started playing and planning again! Lord knows I have plenty of things to decorate with {but to be honest you can never have enough washi, stickie notes or stickers}. We have plenty of fun stores in the Netherlands {HEMA, Flying Tiger, Action, Sostrene Grene, Zeeman, Wibra} but they do not have as much cute things the Walmart 1$ stationary section or cheap deals like Michaels so I try to swap on several FB pages or via Instagram. There are also lot’s of fun stores online and on Etsy.

Besides all the hoarding, swapping and rak’ing there’s also the desire to own the prettiest filofax there is. I have a few in my collection right now, I don’t use them all, some are an investment (no longer available) like the medium Mint Kikki.k planner and the personal rose Finchley. I am currently using the personal purple malden you see in the layout as an organiser and a pocket purple pennybridge as a wallet.


kikki k. (bottom) and rose finchley
< photo courtesy of cafe et papier blog>

I enjoyed it so much I started joining groups on Facebook and started a Dutch FB Group and a European FB Group with likeminded filofax lovers.

To give you an idea of how I decorate my pages:

Hope I gave you some inspiration, leave me a comment, I’d love to read it !