{ seasons of our life }

This photo was taken 4 years ago and everytime I look at it I am reminded we really need to do a new shoot. The smallest of the bunch is now the tallest of us all…
As the boys were growing up we used to do a shoot every year and to my disappointment 4 years ago came the moment that we just couldn’t afford it anymore.
familie foto S

But here we are 4 years later and I am itching to set up a photoshoot with our family, you see a  lot can change during that time.  We have come from long-term unemployment (and for a while even both of us were unemployed) and barely making ends meet to starting a business that is now thriving and it supports our family in many ways, not only financially. But to be honest, coming from where we’ve been but financial freedom is what it has blessed us with the most.

No more stress to make ends meet, no more stretching the household account but the most important thing is NO more sleepless nights. Those who struggle financially know what this can do to your mind and your body.

Not a lot of people know we went through this over the course of  the last 4 years but I am sharing this to let you know… if you are going through this, I get you 💚!
Things can and will get better, just don’t be afraid to take a different path to change your future because you never know where it will lead you 👊

Because I am talking about financial freedom I am required by law to share the young living income disclosure (for your reference I am currently a proud platinum team leader 😊) https://static.youngliving.com/en-US/PDFS/incomedisclosurestatement_us.pdf

{ my everyday oils }

So a good friend (and teammember of mine) shared what Young Living products she used inspired me to do the same because I get a lot of questions about it. I just focussed on just the oils that I use on a daily basis,  don’t freak out at the amount it’s a quick ritual, 5 min tops!


I  will tell you a little bit about each oil and what they do for me, and by sharing this hope to show you oils are not hocus pocus just old fashioned, using what nature has to offer to keep me me happy, uplifted, balanced, calm, relaxed and sane, Day and Night!

What YL saysAbundance was created to enhance the frequency of the harmonic magnetic energy field that surrounds us. This manifesting and powerful blend creates what is called “the law of attraction,” which refers to the positive (or negative) energy we attract to ourselves by focusing on it. Abundance therefore opens us to a wealth of possibilities. Its spicy scent is popular among both women and men – try using it as a perfume or cologne and experience your energy shifting towards prosperity and plentitude!
What I say: I love attracting positive energy and the scent is great so use this oil as my perfume!
How I use it: simply dab it behind my ears twice a day, use it in my diffuser necklace or diffuse combined with a citrus oil. 

What YL says :
 an empowering combination of essential oils that works with both the physical and spiritual aspects of the body to increase feelings of strength, courage, and self-esteem in the face of adversity. Renowned for its protective qualities, Valor® enhances an individual’s internal resources. It has also been found to help the body self-correct its balance and alignment.
What I say: it boosts me, makes me feel strong, ain’t nothing wrong with that!
Gentle Baby
What YL says :  a soft, fragrant combination of essential oils designed specifically for mothers and babies. It helps calm emotions during pregnancy and is useful for quieting troubled little ones. It is also soothing to tender skin. Many of the essential oils in this blend are used in elite cosmetics to enhance a youthful appearance.
What I say: I am a mom, the smell is amazing and soothing, need I say more?
How I use it: I apply it to my wrists every evening during my -get ready for the night – ritual*  and/or diffuse it in my bedroom. 

White Angelica
What YL says : a calming and soothing blend that encourages feelings of protection and security. It combines oils used during ancient times to enhance the body’s aura, which brings about a sense of strength and endurance. Many people use it as protection against negative energy.
What I say: Every since I’ve been using it at night my dreams have switched from  a scene from Criminal Minds to the Gilmore Girls.
How I use it: I apply 1 drop to each top op my shoulder during my -get ready for the night –  ritual*

What YL says : an exquisite blend that promotes physical and emotional well-being by bringing harmonic balance to the energy centres of the body. The liberating, balancing, and calming essential oils in this blend open us to new possibilities while contributing to an overall feeling of well-being.
What I say: I needs lots of balance end of story!
How I use it: I apply it to my solar plexus as part of my – get ready for the day with oils – ritual

My Special – shut off my brain and go to sleep – Mix 
(Contains Vetiver, Lavender and Cedarwood)
What YL says : Vetiver has a heavy, earthy fragrance similar to patchouli with a touch of lemon. Vetiver oil is psychologically grounding, calming, and stabilising. One of the oils that is highest in sesquiterpenes, vetiver was studied by Dr. Terry Friedmann for improving children’s behavior. Vetiver may help when coping with stress and to recover from emotional trauma and shock.
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) has a fresh, sweet, floral, herbaceous aroma that is soothing and refreshing. Because it is the most versatile of all essential oils, no home should be without it. It is great for winding down before bedtime, yet has balancing properties that make it just as beneficial for boosting stamina and energy. Lavender is highly regarded for skin and beauty. The French scientist René Gattefossé was the first to discover these properties when he severely burned his hands in a laboratory explosion.

Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) has a warm, balsamic, woody aroma. It is relaxing and soothing when used for massage. Cedarwood has long been used as a beneficial ingredient in cosmetic preparations for oily skin. 
What I say: Together these three calm my brain, it helps me shut it down instead of lying there thinking of all the things I did, have to do and whatever other things pop up in there for good measure.
How I use it: I apply the mix at the bottoms of my big toes and if I’m really fast & furious I also apply it in my nek right below the hairline or at my temples during my -get ready for the night –  ritual*

What YL says : a luxuriously exotic blend with uplifting overtones that create magnetic energy and bring joy to the heart. When worn as cologne or perfume, Joy™ exudes an alluring and irresistible fragrance that inspires romance and togetherness. When diffused, it can be refreshing and uplifting.
What I say: it makes me happy when skies are grey, and not just me, the hubs loves it too.
How I use it: I apply it to my heartchakra as part of my – get ready for the day with oils – ritual, use it in my diffuser necklace or diffuse combined with a citrus oil. 

Progessence Phyto Plus
What YL saysProgessence Phyto Plus contains a high quality wild yam extract optimally blended with vitex oil and essential oils to help women find balance the way nature intended. Specially formulated by D. Gary Young, ND, and Dan Purser, MD, Progessence Phyto Plus maximizes the effects of wild yam extract and vitex oil by utilizing an innovative suspension system.
What I say: Ding Dong the witch is dead …
How I use it: I apply it twice a day EVERY day in the morning and in the evening, 1 drops to both insides of my ankles (right under the bump) and 1 drop distributed over my inner forearms.

Clary Sage
What YL says : Clary sage (Salvia sclarea) essential oil contains natural phytonutrients. It has a mellow, warm, herbal scent that is uplifting and relaxing, making it a perfect choice for supporting a normal, healthy attitude during PMS. It is also supportive for menopausal women.
What I say: let’s just say I like my temperature to be constant …
How I use it: I apply it twice a day EVERY day in the morning and in the evening, 1 drop to both outsides of my ankles (right under the bump) 

Stress Away
What YL says : a natural solution created to combat normal stresses that creep into everyday life. Stress Away is the first product to contain the unique stress-relieving combination of lime and vanilla essential oils. Stress Away also includes copaiba and lavender to reduce mental rigidity and restore equilibrium. Featuring powerful plant constituents, such as the cedrol found in cedarwood and the eugenol that occurs naturally in vanilla, Stress Away can help induce relaxation and reduce occasional nervous tension.
What I say: I can plan a party, bake a cake, get stuck in traffic jams and this helps soothe nervous tension and it smells amazing, I just love vanilla!
How I use it: apply to my wrists and inhale 4 times for direct relief, use it in my diffuser necklace or diffuse combined with a citrus oil. 

If you have any questions about these oils that I did not answer above, please let me know 😉

{ healthy lifestyle part I }

For support during exercise or with a very active lifestyle there are various Young Living products you can use. In the next 3 blogposts I will share our personal favorites and how you can use these to support your active lifestyle.

In this first post the emphasis will be on fitness activities and how the massage oils can prepare your muscles on your workout and how they can help them relax after your workout. If and when your muscles get really tense there are various products that can help them relax before your next workout, so you you can stay mobile until then and achieve your goals. If you are interested in reading this post in Dutch please visit my website Oiled by Nature.

Ortho Sport was developed for the professional and amature atheletes that work and play hard. Because of the high dosage of Phneol, that provides a pleasant warm sensation and relieves over-worked muscles it can be used before or after a workout. Daniëlle uses it before and after her sessions with her personal trainer  Marc Hoogervorst begint so her muscles are already warmed up and ready for her workout. An example of professionals that use these Young Living massage oils the therapists of the Dutch soccerteam AZ.

Ortho Ease is a massage oil developed to ease the muscles and help calm the tired body. It helps combat the adverse effects of exertion/stress like sore muscles, stifness and lessened bloodflow. Because of the calming mix of Young Living therapeutic essential oils,  Ortho Ease will refresh and relax. I not only use it in the evenings of the days that I workout  but also on other days when her muscles feel tired and stiff.

If and when you muscles are feeling uncomfortable there are different oils that you can use, there are several options so there is an oil to meet anyone’s preference. I use these options depending on my needs and mood.

Relieve It is a deeply relaxing, warming blend of essential oils that feels soothing and comforting to muscles and joints following exercise. If you want direct relief when your muscles feel uncomfortable then this blend is a great choice as it has a warming function and works deep into the muscle.

The Relief Trio is a combination of 3 oils that you can use when you are in need of more relief for muscles that can feel sensitive to the touch. You can apply it in layers with a carrier oil or tentatively you can make it into a liquid or solid cream which is very handy for larger areas.  Valor, Panaway and Peppermint compliment each other to help ease your muscles and everything around them so you can move and function in a normal manner.
I have the solid version in a glass jar and use it when my muscles or joints are really really sore to help alleviate that feeling of not wanting to move from the couch, ever …..

Valor is an empowering combination of essential oils that works with both the physical and spiritual aspects of the body to increase feelings of strength, courage, and self-esteem in the face of adversity. Renowned for its protective qualities, Valor® enhances an individual’s internal resources. It has also been found to help the body self-correct its balance and alignment.
PanAway was created by Gary Young following a severe injury to the ligaments in his leg. It supports the circulatory system, along with muscles and joints, and also aids in maintaining normal cellular function.
Peppermint has an invigorating and fresh mint aroma. This amazing and versatile essential oil has been widely studied for its potential health benefits and for its ability to enhance mental acuity. It is also known for its impressive support of digestive function and has a cooling effect on the skin and body.

Deep Relief Essential Oil Roll is a proprietary blend of oils specially formulated to assist muscle soreness and tension. Peppermint, Wintergreen, Copal, and Palo Santo essential oils as well as others play an integral part in supporting post exercise recovery. Deep Relief is offered in the portable convenience of a roll on application for when you are on the go. A standard item in my gymbag which is a good thing as I’ve helped plenty of people at the gym that got their fingers caught inbetween weights  ….

Of course there are more Young Living products you can use during your active lifestyle, here are a few examples;

Next time I’ll share more about Young Living supplements, weight management products and healthy snacks and how I use them in my healthy lifestyle!

{ my favourite things }

I used to have a blog where I shared my favourite things regularly, then I merged it with this blog and never got back into it. Guess what ? It’s back !!


  1. Revenge
    Currently in season 3, watching episode 9, curious to see where the seasons finally will go. I love watching series online, having a marathon all by myself while doing other things, it’s my thing multitasking while watching my shows.
  2. Mantrabands
    I give these to my team when they reach goals, give them to special people in my life and love receiving them myself. They are so awesome and inspiring, I have 3 sofar ….
  3. Stress Away
    I seriously cannot live without this in my life, don’t leave home without it !
    Young Living should rename this into the mommy oil LOL It is a blend with Lime, Lavender, Ocotea, Copaiba and Vanilla in that does wonders for my soul. My favorite in the diffuser combined with peppermint in the evening to wind down and I love it when I am hosting parties, baking a cake, driving the car, have meetings, rushing with a deadline, uhm well everything I guess. Trust me we all need stress away in our lives …
  4. Filofax Maldens
    I have had filofax type planners when I left school and started my professional career. I started with fake planners in pocket size and later upgrading to a Personal sized. A few years ago I treated myself to a real filofax and I must say the Malden Filofax brings me planner peace even more so since I moved from my personal size into an A5.
  5. Herome WIC Brussels
    I love Essie nailpolish, it is the bomb but I will always remain in love with this color from Herome. Whenever I wear it, just plain or combine it with gold glitters, I receive so many compliments. It is the perfect taupe with a glisten to it when you look closely in the light, not pearlescent (hate that in nailpolish sorry) but it gives it a nice pop.
  6. Bobbi Brown beauty products
    My skin has had a rough time over the last few years, the stress took it’s toll on my combination skin and I have been struggling getting it to a good state. I always have a strict regime and I’m known for this amongst my friends (the girl with the creams for everything), drink a lot of water, always use sunscreen but stress is a doozy. So after seeing Bobbi Brown in my favorite beauty store I decided to try 1 product, the extra eyecream and was hooked. So the next month I bought the nightcream and every month I have slowly been replacing my old products and  my skin is returning to normal. Love the fact that Bobbi uses essential oils in her products but doesn’t make them too smelly which I prefer.

Let me know if you decide to try any of these and if you like them !

{ toilet fizzie bombs }

I made my first batch of fizzies bombs this month to compliment my new cleaning routine of our toilets (alongside the thieves all purpose cleaner). Yes these are fizzie bombs for the toilets not for in my bath!



These are tossed in our toilets every evening for my daily morning scrub (it literally fizzes the gunk from the toilet bowl, I know gross and of course no one has so much gunk you can see it come off, but just imagine it) or when it needs to smell a bit nicer in between, I have 2 teenagers after all …

They are super easy to make, cheaper than the ones you can buy in the store and who doesn’t want a natural alternative to clean their home!
I mean seriously products with skulls, flames or that state you need to call your doctor if you drink, inhale or get this in your eyes is just not ok….
All the ingredients that are used for the toilet fizzies are regularly used in the kitchen although I would not eat hem in this particular state 😉



Mixing bowl
Misting spray bottle (which is a better option than just pouring it in there trust me on this)
Silicon mold (cute shape is optional)
Latex gloves and mask (optional)

100 grams Citric Acid (NL = Citroenzuur)
50 grams Baking Soda (NL = Sodium Bicarbonaat)
30 drops of Young Living Essential oils (3 kinds; I used Thieves, Lemon and Peppermint for this batch)
water (in the misting spray bottle)

Mix the 2 powders with a mixer
Add your choice of YL Essential Oils and mix again
Slowly spray the mix whilst mixing until it has the consistency of wet sand
When the mixture has the right consistency add it to the mold shapes, press firmly to get the air out and keep adding to the shape until a bit under the rim
Leave to dry for 6 hours.


My personal tips :
Don’t fill the molds to the rim as it does swell up a bit whilst drying (trust me on this)
I recommend firmly pressing again the mixture again after 30 min.

They are fun to make in different shapes, I made 2 batches so I would have enough to fill the mold.



The lowdown on my Young Living journey part II – Sharing

If you follow this blog or follow me on Facebook then you will read a lot about Young Living Essential Oils, trust me I really share about them a lot, which comes naturally as I use them for myself and my family daily.

I genuinely believe everyone should get themself, and their family, a premium starter kit.

nature itself is the best physician

Even when I bought my Young Living Starter Kit in 2014, we couldn’t afford it to be honest, he did not question it and trusted it was what we needed to help us get through the stress, the dissapointment and the hardships we were facing.

Who would have thought when I quit my job a year ago I would not regret it 1 day; I can share, make people happy and at the same time I am a happier person doing this job (although it does not feel like one).

The stress I had and got through with my oils, I can share this. The problems I had with restless nights I got through with my oils, I can share this. The problems I had with balancing my hormones in a natural way, I can share this. The problems my kids or husband have, I can share this. And through sharing that and the experiences my friends have had with oils I can help even more people.

Help them when they don’t want to sneeze all summer, help them get their focus on at school or work, help them be able to move more freely without restriction, help them get through their day when they normally would have to “shut down” due to blinding throbbing in their head, help with any day to day discomforts.

And of course not everyone believes, trusts or has faith in these oils, but they should because they will work anyway.
Trust me when I say there’s an oil for everything and they work even if you don’t believe in them….
This is the most value for your money as the diffuser will help you get the most out of your oils and the kit has all the basics to get you started in suppporting your natural lifestyle.

It has changed my life and that of my family in a positive way on so many levels.
That’s why when my friend suggested we should tell the Netherlands about these wonderful oils we started sharing our experiences, working on translating information about oils and helping people and giving our link to Young Living.
Was this weird & salesy ? No because let’s face it everyone shares a good thing they discovered. A restaurant, a book, a great show and we don’t just say we found this great thing go buy it, we help you on your journey discovering the oils every step of the way.

I don’t sell thes oils from my home, you can order them yourself via Young Living, through this  link. When using this link you sign up with me as your distributor, meaning I will assist you with any questions you may have when using the oils or other Young Living Products.

You need to register as a member to receive a 24% discount but don’t worry you do not commit to anything by registering this way it’s a formailty to make sure you get a discount with every order you make.

Need more info than you found in My Pink Office ? No problem just check out the Oiled by Nature website, contact me through Facebook  or join one of my workshops in Hoofddorp and I will be happy to help you with any question you have.

The lowdown on my Young Living journey part I – Discovery

I had seen a lot of pins on Pinterest about Young Living Essential oils but never gave it that much attention as I did not think it was available in the Netherlands. Until one of my BFF’s Corinne shared some of her personal experiences on Facebook in March 2014, to be honest they blew me away.

I’ve always tried to choose a more natural option for our family, avoiding as much chemicals as possible but there was just so much out there I relied on the advice I got in stores but it was never based on a personal experience with the product. I had also incorporated the oil cleansing method in our beauty routine and love wat it was doing our skin so I knew that oils were powerful so my interest was sparked when I heard they could do so much more.

After going through a termination procedure in May/June I was extremely fatigued (I had always been a light sleeper with lots of nightmares but it had taken on extremes), had a continuous headace because of tension in my shoulders/neck and had a misty head.

As my bestie she knew I had already been going through a long period of tension because of my husbands unemployment since (January 2013) and my stepdad’s illness (of which he unfortunately lost his battle after 3 years and said goodbye to us in October 2015). She asked me to trust her, stop hesitating and  buy myself a Young Living Premium Starter Kit as they contained a lot of oils that would help me get it back together and I would love the other oils for my Oil Cleaning Method routine or in the diffuser as I loved using oils in a resin burner.

I was unsure, it was quite an investment but I knew she would not get me to buy something above budget that would be a waste of our money. So in the mindset of if you don’t try it you won’t know I ordered one, and it looked like this.


When the kit came in I loved the diffuser, it was cute and worked like a charm ! I looked up all kinds of combinations to diffuse with dry cold steam and it made me soooo happy. This smelled so much fresher than burning oils with a candle, scented candles or the horrible incense that my husband loved to burn.

archieffoto diffuser

I was especially pleased that you could use the oils to set & lift moods for whomever was in the room. The first oils I diffused were stress away during the day and Peace & Calming during the night. Because I noticed such a difference in 2 days (I felt more relaxed, slept deeper & calmer during the night, stopped making sounds like a sawing machine and found I stopped jaw clenching and grinding my teeth yay as I had almost destroyed a moulder with that) I tried Peace & Calming on my youngest dude Colin and he slept so much more peaceful, we didn’t hear his bed banging against the walls (seriously we had to put padding between the wall and his bed it was so bad, when he was a baby we tried everything under the moon like baby binding, relaxing massages and Bach therapie but all only worked for a short period). After 4 days I began to get more energy than before and started to smile again. Colin stated after 2 days “mom I am sleeping so much better” and my husband had also noticed that it was so quiet in his room.

For everything that we would normally “need” a store bought remedy for I would first look up if there was an oil for that, and you know there was ! Like warts on feet, my snoring, acne you name it I had a natural option for relief  with 100% natural essential oils.

OIL FOR THAT v1.1.jpg

Besides the essential oils I had in the kit I started using other oils as Young Living has so many, I ordered Endoflex that supports the Adrenal glands as a lot of women of my age could use a boost for that (seriously google what those glands do or not do, I did!) After a few weeks I started noticing a difference and combined with Progessence Phyto Plus (an oil I cannot live without) it helped me get back into a monthly balance and took down the witch in me among other things (Ladies you know what I mean right 😉 )!

All in all the life of my family and mine has changed so much for the better since I took the plunge and ordered these Young Living Products. I got rid of all the other regular  drugstore products that we had, we use the oils and supplements for anything and everything and rarely need to go to the doctor (obviously if it’s serious we do visit the doctor for advise but if it can be relieved with help of the oils we choose to go that route) nor do we have to stay in bed to recover from things going around in any season.


Since we have had such good experiences  I could not help sharing them on social media and through this blogpost. I have introduced many a friend and family members to the Young Living and all have been so grateful and didn’t hesitate one bit to trust me that they would love using these oils daily in their lives.



Because that’s what you do share awesome experiences with them whether it be a great recipe, good book, great movie of restaurant. Sharing this love one drop at a time, sharing welness, purpose and abundance because I truly believe every household should experience nature’s best in their lives…



{ chocolate brownies with peppermint frosting* }

Recipe In English, please scroll down for the Dutch translation !

For the cake:

  • 5 eggs
  • 500g caster sugar
  • 120g plain flour
  • 100g cocoa powder
  • 250g unsalted butter, melted
  • 30g shelled walnuts, chopped (optional)
  • 30g dark chocolate, roughly chopped

Preheat the oven to 170°C (325°F) Gas 3. Put the eggs and sugar in a large bowl and beat with a handheld electric whisk until light and fluffy. Add the flour and cocoa powder and beat until all the ingredients are well mixed. Pour in the melted butter and mix through. Stir the walnuts and chocolate in by hand until evenly dispersed. Spoon the mixture into the prepared baking tray and bake in the preheated oven for about 30–35 minutes, or until the top is firm but the centre is still soft. Leave to cool completely.

For the frosting:

  • 200g icing sugar, sifted
  • 75g unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 30g cocoa powder, sifted
  • 150g cream cheese, cold
  • 9-12 drops peppermint+ Young Living oils (add drops to taste)
  • a 33 x 23 x 5-cm baking tray, lined with greaseproof paper

Beat together the icing sugar, butter and cocoa powder in a freestanding electric mixer with a paddle attachment (or use a handheld electric whisk) on medium-slow speed until the mixture comes together and is well mixed. Add the cream cheese in one go and beat until it is completely incorporated. Turn the mixer up to medium-high speed. Continue beating until the frosting is light and fluffy, at least 5 minutes. Do not overbeat, as it can quickly become runny. When the brownie is cold, spread the frosting over the top.


Please do not add any other brands of peppermint oil to your baking as the common peppermint oils are not made for ingesting due to additives.
If you prefer to make brownies without frosting you can add the peppermint+ to the brownie base (6-9 drops) instead of in the frosting, I have tried both and personally prefer it in the frosting only.
I always make a double recipe for the frosting (one big container of marscepone) and freeze half of the portion in a ziploc bag (make it flat in the bag prior to freezing as that makes it easier to defrost), it tastes just as good as freshly made and it saves you so much time with your next batch of brownies or cupcakes 😉
Don’t want to make brownies “from scratch” ? You can also just buy a box of browniemix add the peppermint frosting onto that !

* this recipe is from the Hummingbird Bakery book, one of my go to baking books.

Recipe In Dutch

Benodigdheden brownie mix
5 eieren
500g kristalsuiker
120g gewone bloem
100g cacao poeder
250g gesmolten ongezouten boter
30g gehakte walnoten of pecannoten (optioneel)
30g gehakte pure chocolade
Braadslee of bakvorm van 23x33x5 (ongeveer)

Oven voorverwarmen tot 175°c. De eieren samen met de suiker fluffy kloppen. Hierna de cacao poeder en de bloem samen toevoegen en kloppen tot een mooi deeg. Hierna voeg je nog de gesmolten boter toe, ook weer goed kloppen. Als finishing touch voeg je de gehakte noten en chocolade toe! ongeveer 35 min. in de oven
Benodigdheden frosting
200g poedersuiker, sifted
75g ongezoute boter op kamertemperatuur
30g cocoa poeder, sifted
150g roomkaas (marscapone vind ik lekker erin) koud
9-12 druppels pepermint+ Young Living oil (druppels naar smaak)
Mix alle ingredienten 1 voor 1 in deze volgorde tot een gladde mengsel.
Als de brownies geheel zijn afgekoeld kun je dit erop smeren en in stukken snijden.
Ik raad je aan geen andere merken pepermunt olie te gebruiken voor het bakken daar andere merken toevoegingen aan de olien die het ongeschikt maken voor consumptie.
Wil je brownies maken zonder frosting dan is het ook mogelijk om peppermint+ in het beslag te doen (6-9 druppels) ipv in de frosting maar ik vind persoonlijk deze combi het lekkerst.
Ik maak altijd het dubbele recept voor de frosting (grote kuip marscepone) en vries de helft in, in een ziploc zakje (maak het plat en vries het zo in). Het ontdooit supersnel en smaakt net zo lekker. Scheelt ontzettend veel tijd als je weer een keer brownies maakt en het is ook lekker op cupcakes 😉
Heb je geen zin om brownies “”from scratch” te maken kun je ook gewoon een pak bij de winkel halen om dit te maken 😉
* dit recept komt uit het Hummingbird Bakery boek, mijn favoriete bakboek, echt een aanrader.